Human Resources
Some people dream of success. We make it happen.
H.R. Health Check
For every organisation no matter how large or small the complete HR Health Check will encourage you to work within the ever changing guidelines of good Human Resource practice, to establish policies and procedures where necesssary & to review that which already exists. The health check includes the following areas:-
Appraisal System
Policies & Procedures
Staff Handbook
Job Description
Contract of Employment
HR Helpline Service (available when you need it - no retention fee).
HR Helpline Service
It's great to know who to turn to when you need advice, from the simple things in life to the most complex threat of a tribunal.
Premier Right Answers provides the legal advice line which has no strings attached, we do not charge a retainer fee, you pay for the service you require, nothing more.
What could be simpler than ringing us when you need advice and not having to retain our services if you do not wish so to do. Simply ring and ask for our professional legal advice when you need it most.
Don't delay, have a look at the range of services we can provide, ring or email and have a chat.
We are here to help.